American Council on Exercise: Certified Personal Trainer (ACE-PT) Certified Health Coach (ACE-CHC) Certified Medical Exercise Specialist (ACE-CMES)
World Obesity Federation: SCOPE Certified Health Professional in Obesity Management
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About Me
I'm a practicing internal medicine physician with passion in fitness and wellness.
As a physician specialising in internal medicine, I frequently come across clients with diabetes, obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and other comorbidities. Often times physicians would advice their patients to engage in some sort of physical activity or lifestyle changes to aid in disease management. However there is a lack of knowhow regarding the specifics in most healthcare professionals when it comes to exercise or physical activities for their clients.
I strongly believe that each client is different and is the master of his or her own life. As an ACE certified health coach and medical exercise specialist, I aspire to bridge the gap in the healthcare industry by not only providing treatment through conventional medicine for disease control and management, but also to empower my clients to attain overall health and wellness through lifestyle interventions and health coaching.
American Council on Exercise: Certified Personal Trainer (ACE-PT) Certified Health Coach (ACE-CHC) Certified Medical Exercise Specialist (ACE-CMES)
World Obesity Federation: SCOPE Certified Health Professional in Obesity Management
Personal Contact
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About Me
I'm a practicing internal medicine physician with passion in fitness and wellness.
As a physician specialising in internal medicine, I frequently come across clients with diabetes, obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and other comorbidities. Often times physicians would advice their patients to engage in some sort of physical activity or lifestyle changes to aid in disease management. However there is a lack of knowhow regarding the specifics in most healthcare professionals when it comes to exercise or physical activities for their clients.
I strongly believe that each client is different and is the master of his or her own life. As an ACE certified health coach and medical exercise specialist, I aspire to bridge the gap in the healthcare industry by not only providing treatment through conventional medicine for disease control and management, but also to empower my clients to attain overall health and wellness through lifestyle interventions and health coaching.
#prediabetes, #diabetes,#internalmedicine, #drteoh, short podcast, tips
Posted on 02.10.2021
Dr Teoh
Prediabetes means you have a higher than normal blood sugar level. It's not high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes yet.But without lifestyle changes, you are at high risk to develop type 2 diabetes!
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Kun Liang
Thanks for sharing.