Dr James Kok Wai Leong specialises in adult and children ear, nose, throat, head and neck conditions. He also has special interest treating patients with vertigo and balance disorders. His procedure focuses include endoscopic sinus surgery, myringoplasty, myringotomy and grommet insertion, tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, turbinate reduction, septoplasty and removal of neck lumps and bumps. He completed his higher surgical training from the University of Malaya and is currently a Fellow of the European Board of Otolaryngology Head and Neck surgery. Dr James is a Honorary lecturer with the Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS).
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Speciality's description
Dr James Kok Wai Leong specialises in adult and children ear, nose, throat, head and neck conditions. He also has special interest treating patients with vertigo and balance disorders. His procedure focuses include endoscopic sinus surgery, myringoplasty, myringotomy and grommet insertion, tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, turbinate reduction, septoplasty and removal of neck lumps and bumps. He completed his higher surgical training from the University of Malaya and is currently a Fellow of the European Board of Otolaryngology Head and Neck surgery. Dr James is a Honorary lecturer with the Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS).
Do you have questions and concerns about vertigo? In this podcast, Dr James addresses whether excessive earwax causes vertigo, if it's possible for a full recover, whether it's hereditary and more.
4. What to do when experiencing vertigo? Treatments?
Posted on 26.03.2024
Dr James Kok
Do you know what to do when experiencing vertigo? What are the treatments available for vertigo? In this podcast, Dr James answers a few common questions about vertigo.
Before someone is diagnosed with vertigo, the doctor will run a few vertigo tests to determine the vertigo type. In this podcast, Dr James describes the procedure for each vertigo test.
There are 2 types of vertigo and central vertigo is one of them. In this podcast, Dr James shares on the causes, symptoms and treatments for central vertigo.
Everyone may experience vertigo differently depending on various factors. In this podcast, Dr James describes how a person may feel when experiencing vertigo, the main causes and types of vertigo. As well as, the age group that is more prone to experiencing it.
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